
Tim Indonesia Juara Umum ASEAN Digital Awards (ADA) 2024

Indonesia Wins Overall ASEAN Digital Awards (ADA) 2024

The ADA 2024 is a prestigious award given to organizations, businesses, and individuals that ...

05 Feb 2024

Bersama Menteri Finlandia, Menteri Budi Arie Bahas Kerja Sama Infrastruktur Digital

With the Minister of Finland, Minister Budi Arie Discusses Digital Infrastructure Cooperation.

Finland is known as one of the countries with advanced technology and high internet connectiv...

01 Feb 2024

Internet Lelet, Pemerintah Akan Batasi Kecepatan Minimal Internet 100 Mps

Slow Internet, Government to Limit Minimum Internet Speed to 100 Mbps.

Indonesia has long been considered a country with slow internet speed. To address this, the M...

30 Jan 2024

Alasan Kepraktisan, UMKM Pilih Berbisnis Secara Online

Reasons for Practicality, SMEs Choose to Do Business Online

Google, Temasek, and Bain project that the digital economy of Indonesia will grow to USD 109 bill...

29 Jan 2024

Daya Saing Digital Indonesia Naik Enam Peringkat, Menteri Budi Arie: Transformasi Digital Nasional Diakui Dunia

Digital Competitiveness of Indonesia Rises Six Places, Minister Budi Arie: National Digital Transformation Recognized Globally

According to the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Menkominfo), the increase ...

26 Jan 2024

Daya Saing Digital Indonesia, Menang Dari India Tapi Kalah Dari Malaysia

The Digital Competitiveness of Indonesia: Winning Against India but Losing to Malaysia.

The digital competitiveness of Indonesia has improved by 6 positions. Unfortunately, the fact...

25 Jan 2024

Dinilai Belum Optiomal, Pemerintah Perlu Beri Perhatian Khusus Pajak Digital

Deemed Not Optimal, the Government Needs to Pay Special Attention to Digital Taxes

The realization of Value Added Tax (VAT) revenue from trade through the Electronic System (PM...

24 Jan 2024

Digital Banking Tumbuh 13,48% Dengan Nilai Transaksi Rp 58.478 Triliun di 2023

Digital Banking Grows by 13.48% with Transaction Value of Rp 58.478 Trillion in 2023

Bank Indonesia records the growth of digital banking transactions, in line with the increasin...

23 Jan 2024

Wamenkominfo Ajak Kolaborasi Ciptakan Ekosistem Digital Aman

The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo) Invites Collaboration to Create a Safe Digital Ecosystem

Minister of Communication and Information Technology Budi Arie Setiadi has issued Circular Letter...

22 Jan 2024