
Indonesia-Microsoft jajaki peluang pengembangan teknologi AI dan talenta digital

Indonesia-Microsoft explores opportunities for the development of AI technology and digital talent

Microsoft has an Asia-Pacific research and development center that is hoped to also be establ...

02 May 2024

Kominfo bangun Kota Cerdas dan PDH untuk dukung ekonomi hijau

Kominfo builds Smart Cities and DHNs to support green economy

In the National Long-Term Development Plan 2025-2045, the Government reaffirms its commitment...

30 Apr 2024

Menteri Anas dukung akselerasi peran BSN dalam transformasi digital

Minister Anas supports the acceleration of BSN's role in digital transformatio

Before the establishment of SPBE management guidelines, SNI can play a role as a guide for im...

29 Apr 2024

Indonesia ajak negara PBB kerja sama transformasi konektivitas digital

Indonesia invites UN member states to Ccllaborate on digital connectivity transformation

According to Suharso, the transformation of digital connectivity has the potential to unlock ...

26 Apr 2024

Tindak Lanjuti WRC 2023, Kominfo Selaraskan Kepentingan Nasional

Follow-up on WRC 2023, Kominfo Harmonizes National Interests

The outcome of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) 2023 decided that Indonesia coul...

25 Apr 2024

Bersama GIZ Indonesia, dan Prosa.AI, Bappenas RI luncurkan Dataset Artificial Intelligence dengan tiga bahasa daerah Indonesia

With GIZ Indonesia and Prosa.AI, Bappenas RI launches an Artificial Intelligence Dataset with three Indonesian regional languages."

The selection of the Minangkabau, Balinese, and Buginese languages ​​is based on the fact...

23 Apr 2024

Bertemu dengan mantan Perdana Menteri Inggris Tony Blair, Menko Airlangga bahas digitalisasi dan cyber security

Meeting with former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Tony Blair, Minister Airlangga discusses digitalization and cyber security

Minister Airlangga mentioned the adequacy of resources possessed by the Tony Blair Institute ...

22 Apr 2024

Terima kunjungan Tony Blair, Presiden Jokowi bahas percepatan transformasi digital dan investasi energi

Receiving Tony Blair, President Jokowi discussed accelerating digital transformation and energy investment

President Jokowi and Tony Blair discussed a number of strategic matters, especially regarding...

19 Apr 2024

Diundang Jokowi untuk investasi, CEO Apple Tim Cook ungkapkan jika Indonesia adalah pasar penting Apple

Invited by Jokowi to invest, Apple CEO Tim Cook reveals that Indonesia is an important market for Apple

Apart from discussing the opportunities for Apple's expansion into the country and Indone...

18 Apr 2024