
Diluncurkan 2015, China hendak perluas dan percepat 'Jalur Sutra Digital'

Launched in 2015, China intends to expand and accelerate the 'Digital Silk Road'

The Digital Silk Road (DSR) or Digital Silk Road was first proposed by President Xi Jinping i...

17 Apr 2024

Hingga Akhir Maret 2024, Pemerintah Telah Kantongi Pajak Digital Rp23,04 Triliun

Until the end of March 2024, the government has collected Rp23.04 trillion in digital taxes

Revenue from digital taxes in Indonesia continues to increase, and the government plans to ex...

16 Apr 2024

Ini alasan mengapa pencipta ChatGPT dipecat dari startupnya sendiri

This is the reason why the creator of ChatGPT was fired from his own startup

Altman was suddenly dismissed by the OpenAI board of directors at the end of 2023. After bein...

05 Apr 2024

Gandeng Indosat, NVidia bangun pusat AI di Indonesia

Indosat and NVidia are building an AI center in Indonesia

In addition to infrastructure, Nvidia is committed to educating nearly 20,000 Indonesian stud...

04 Apr 2024

Menpan RB : AI pisau bermata dua

Menpan RB: AI is a double-edged sword

In facing the threat of AI-supported crimes, it is important to implement strong regulatory p...

03 Apr 2024

Setelah untung Rp4,43 triliun di 2023, kini industri pinjol rugi Rp135,6 miliar

After making a profit of Rp4.43 trillion in 2023, the online lending industry is now facing a loss of Rp135.6 billion

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) noted that the online lending industry incurred a net ...

02 Apr 2024

Wamen Nezar Patria sebut tiga parameter untuk kembangkan Smart City

Wamen Nezar Patria mentioned three parameters for developing Smart City

According to Nezar, to become a Smart City, there are several criteria that must be fulfilled...

01 Apr 2024

Kominfo sebut ekonomi digital ciptakan 3,7 juta pekerjaan tambahan pada 2025

Kominfo mentions that the digital economy creates an additional 3.7 million jobs by 2025

The presence of the digital economy also offers convenience and opportunities for all social ...

28 Mar 2024

Mendikbudristek : Literasi Digital ASN adalah kunci

Mendikbudristek: Digital Literacy for Civil Servants is Key

Nadiem Anwar Makarim stated that the digitization of civil service management is crucial amid...

27 Mar 2024

Pemerintah percepat INA Digital, paling lambat Mei 2024

Government accelerates INA Digital, no later than May 2024

President Jokowi has instructed all ministries to integrate with INA Digital no later than Ma...

26 Mar 2024