Until the end of March 2024, the government has collected Rp23.04 trillion in digital taxes

Revenue from digital taxes in Indonesia continues to increase, and the government plans to explore the potential for tax revenue from other digital economic activities such as crypto taxes on cryptocurrency asset trading transactions, fintech taxes on interest payments made by borrowers, and SIPP taxes on procurement transactions of goods and/or services through the Government Procurement Information System.

Until March 31, 2024, the government recorded revenues from the digital economy sector amounting to Rp23.04 trillion. This digital tax revenue includes Value Added Tax (VAT) on Trading Through Electronic Systems (PMSE) totaling Rp18.74 trillion, crypto taxes totaling Rp580.2 billion, fintech taxes (P2P lending) totaling Rp1.95 trillion, and taxes collected by other parties on procurement transactions of goods and/or services through the Government Procurement Information System (SIPP tax) amounting to Rp1.77 trillion.

Meanwhile, as of March 2024, the government has appointed 167 PMSE business actors as collectors of Value Added Tax (VAT). This number includes two corrections or changes to PMSE VAT collector data. Corrections in March 2024 were made for Vonage Business Inc. and Twitch Interactive Singapore Private Limited. Of all the appointed collectors, 154 PMSE have collected and remitted PMSE VAT amounting to Rp18.74 trillion.

"The amount consists of Rp731.4 billion in deposits for the year 2020, Rp3.90 trillion in deposits for the year 2021, Rp5.51 trillion in deposits for the year 2022, Rp6.76 trillion in deposits for the year 2023, and Rp1.84 trillion in deposits for the year 2024," said Director of Information, Services, and Public Relations, Dwi Astuti quoted from sindonews.com.

Revenue from crypto taxes has reached Rp580.20 billion as of March 2024. This revenue comes from Rp246.45 billion in receipts for the year 2022, Rp220.83 billion in receipts for the year 2023, and Rp112.93 billion in receipts for 2024. The crypto tax revenue consists of Rp273.69 billion in income tax (PPh 22) on crypto sales transactions on exchanges and Rp306.52 billion in Value Added Tax (PPN DN) on crypto purchase transactions on exchanges.

Fintech taxes (P2P lending) have also contributed tax revenues amounting to Rp1.95 trillion as of March 2024. Revenue from fintech taxes comes from Rp446.40 billion in receipts for the year 2022, Rp1.11 trillion in receipts for the year 2023, and Rp394.93 billion in receipts for 2024. Fintech taxes consist of Income Tax (PPh 23) on interest received by WPDN and BUT borrowers amounting to Rp677.78 billion, Income Tax (PPh 26) on interest received by WPLN borrowers amounting to Rp231.43 billion, and Value Added Tax (PPN DN) on installment payments amounting to Rp1.04 trillion. Tax revenue from other digital economic activities comes from SIPP tax receipts.

As of March 2024, revenue from SIPP tax amounted to Rp1.77 trillion. Revenue from SIPP tax comes from Rp402.38 billion in receipts for the year 2022, Rp1.1 trillion in receipts for the year 2023, and Rp252.16 billion in receipts for 2024. SIPP tax revenue consists of Income Tax (PPh) amounting to Rp119.88 billion and Value Added Tax (PPN) amounting to Rp1.65 trillion.

"In order to create fairness and equality in business opportunities for both conventional and digital business actors, the government will continue to appoint PMSE business actors who sell products or provide digital services from abroad to consumers in Indonesia," said Dwi.

Dwi also added that the government will explore the potential for tax revenue from other digital economic activities such as crypto taxes on cryptocurrency asset trading transactions, fintech taxes on interest payments made by borrowers, and SIPP taxes on procurement transactions of goods and/or services through the Government Procurement Information System. (IN)

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