
Pastikan percepatan pemulihan serangan PDNS 2, Menkominfo tinjau data center Telkomsigma di Sentul

Ensure the acceleration of recovery from the PDNS 2 attack, Minister of Communication and Informatics reviews Telkomsigma data center in Sentul.

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemenkominfo) has implemented a decryption str...

25 Jul 2024

Seskab Pramono Anung: Pentingnya Perlindungan Anak di Era Digital

Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung: The Importance of Child Protection in the Digital Era

Pramono Anung emphasized the importance of providing early digital education and literacy to ...

24 Jul 2024

Indonesia butuh 9 juta talenta digital, Kominfo jalin kerja sama dengan APTDI

Indonesia needs 9 million digital talents, Kominfo collaborates with APTDI

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics has established a collaboration with the Indonesian...

23 Jul 2024

Dirjen Pajak bukukan pendapatan pajak ekonomi digital 2024 senilai Rp 25,88 triliun

The Director General of Taxes records digital economy tax revenue for 2024 amounting to IDR 25.88 trillion

As of June 2024, the government has appointed 172 digital business entities as Value Added Tax (V...

22 Jul 2024

Presiden sebut IDTH terbesar dan terlengkap di Asia

The president describes IDTH as the largest and most comprehensive in Asia

As a facility for standardized device testing internationally, IDTH is the largest and most c...

08 May 2024

Wamendag Jerry: Ekonomi digital salah satu prioritas Indonesia-Brasil

Wamendag Jerry: Digital economy one of the priorities of Indonesia-Brazil

Deputy Minister of Trade Jerry believes that a strong relationship with Brazil is key to buil...

07 May 2024

Bertemu CEO Microsoft, Direksi Telkomsel bahas potensi AI untuk transformasi digital yang berdayakan masyarakat

Meeting with the CEO of Microsoft, Telkomsel's board discusses the potential of AI for digital transformation that empowers society

Telkomsel and Microsoft will continue to collaborate in delivering a variety of solutions tha...

03 May 2024

Indonesia-Microsoft jajaki peluang pengembangan teknologi AI dan talenta digital

Indonesia-Microsoft explores opportunities for the development of AI technology and digital talent

Microsoft has an Asia-Pacific research and development center that is hoped to also be establ...

02 May 2024