
Jajaki peningkatan kerja sama terkait transformasi digital, Menteri PANRB harap bisa belajar dari Australia

Explore enhancing cooperation related to digital transformation, Minister PANRB hopes to learn from Australia

As a follow-up to the visit to Australia to directly observe good practices in government digitiz...

20 Mar 2024

Kemenparekraf akan meluncurkan platform MICE.id demi digitalisasi industri MICE

Kemenparekraf will launch the MICE.id platform to digitize the MICE industry

The Meeting, Incentive, Convention, Exhibition (MICE) industry grew by 12-15 percent in the t...

19 Mar 2024

Jaringan Universitas Nasional Indonesia bersama PBB dukung transformasi digital

The National University Network of Indonesia, along with the UN, supports digital transformation

This joint support is related to efforts to reduce the digital divide and promote inclusive d...

18 Mar 2024

Kominfo gandeng Microsoft untuk perkuat transformasi digital pemerintahan

Kominfo collaborates with Microsoft to strengthen government digital transformation

The memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Kominfo and Microsoft signifies a tangible coll...

15 Mar 2024

Elon Musk prediksi AI saingi kecerdasan manusia di 2029

Elon Musk predicts that artificial intelligence will rival human intelligence by 2029

Many AI technologies have successfully captivated the market, such as OpenAI's ChatGPT, c...

14 Mar 2024

Gandeng Harvard University, Kemendikbudristek RI perkuat kemampuan digital guru

Collaborating with Harvard University, the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia strengthens the digital skills of teachers

Through this synergy, Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem hopes that computer science an...

08 Mar 2024

Langkah awal Rupiah Digital, BI akan edarkan ke bank & nonbank terpilih

As an initial step, BI will hand over selected banks and non-bank entities to distribute digital rupiah

At present, the piloting of Digital Rupiah continues internally. In addition, progress on dig...

07 Mar 2024

Kunjungi MPP Kab. Cirebon, Menteri PANRB dorong layanan berdampak dan tidak berbelit

Visit to the Regional Personnel Administration Agency (MPP) of Cirebon Regency, Minister of PANRB Encourages Impactful and Uncomplicated Services

In this activity, Minister Anas observed various integrated services within the Regional Pers...

06 Mar 2024

Kemenparekraf kembali hadirkan Baparekraf Developer Day perkuat talenta digital Indonesia

Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy brings back Baparekraf Developer Day to strengthen Indonesia's digital talents

This program is aimed at enhancing the capacity and competence of creative economy practition...

05 Mar 2024