Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy brings back Baparekraf Developer Day to strengthen Indonesia's digital talents

This program is aimed at enhancing the capacity and competence of creative economy practitioners, especially in the sub-sectors of applications, gaming, web development, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Badan Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf) in collaboration with Dicoding, reintroduces the Baparekraf Developer Day (BDD) 2024 program with the theme 'Bridging the Digital Skills Gap: Paving the Way for Digital Indonesia'.

Nia Niscaya, the Principal Expert of Tourism and Creative Economy at Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf, stated during 'The Weekly Brief With Sandi Uno' in Jakarta on Monday (4/3/2024), that Indonesia's digital economy value reached $82 billion USD in 2023 and is projected to grow to $109 billion USD by 2025. This indicates Indonesia's significant opportunity to lead in the digital era.

"However, there exists a digital skills gap between demand and availability of workforce," Nia said as quoted in the Kemenparekraf press release.

Through the Baparekraf Developer Day program, it is hoped to lay a strong foundation for creating a creative, innovative, and competitive young generation in the digital era.

This program is aimed at enhancing the capacity and competence of creative economy practitioners, especially in the sub-sectors of applications, gaming, web development, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Yuana Rochma Astuti, the Director of Digital Economy Governance at Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf, revealed that by 2030, Indonesia's digital talent needs are estimated to reach 9 million. This means that every year, 600,000 digital talents who are ready to work or meet industry demands are needed. However, formal institutions such as universities can only produce around 200,000 per year.

"Therefore, cooperation with the industry is necessary to accelerate the presence of Indonesian digital talents. This includes activities like BDD 2024, which will provide opportunities for 1,000 potential digital talents from Indonesia," said Yuana.

The BDD 2024 event itself will take place offline on March 9, 2024, in Bandung, West Java. Currently, the BDD 2024 registration phase is ongoing, and then the selection will be made to choose 1,000 participants who are eligible to attend BDD 2024.

Narenda Wicaksono, CEO of Decoding Indonesia, stated that during BDD 2024, there will be six learning tracks provided for participants. These tracks include android developer, front end web developer, machine learning developer, multi-platform app developer, back end developer, and data scientist.

The selection of these six learning tracks is tailored to the current industry needs.

"In the digital world, technology evolves rapidly, with updates in android every week. We also want BDD to be a networking platform so that participants can share and have a more massive impact," said Narenda."



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