
Langkah awal Rupiah Digital, BI akan edarkan ke bank & nonbank terpilih

As an initial step, BI will hand over selected banks and non-bank entities to distribute digital rupiah

At present, the piloting of Digital Rupiah continues internally. In addition, progress on dig...

07 Mar 2024

Kunjungi MPP Kab. Cirebon, Menteri PANRB dorong layanan berdampak dan tidak berbelit

Visit to the Regional Personnel Administration Agency (MPP) of Cirebon Regency, Minister of PANRB Encourages Impactful and Uncomplicated Services

In this activity, Minister Anas observed various integrated services within the Regional Pers...

06 Mar 2024

Kemenparekraf kembali hadirkan Baparekraf Developer Day perkuat talenta digital Indonesia

Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy brings back Baparekraf Developer Day to strengthen Indonesia's digital talents

This program is aimed at enhancing the capacity and competence of creative economy practition...

05 Mar 2024

Hadiri KTT Khusus ASEAN-Australia di Melbourne, Presiden Jokowi bawa isu mobil listrik dan transformasi digital

Attended the ASEAN-Australia Special Summit in Melbourne, President Jokowi brought up issues of electric vehicles and digital transformation.

In that summit, Indonesia will push for strengthening cooperation in several areas, ranging f...

04 Mar 2024

Akan gantikan kertas dan logam, CBDC dalam tahap desain konseptual

Will replace paper and metal money, CBDC in the conceptual design phase

The Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) will gradually replace flat money or money in the fo...

01 Mar 2024

Menteri Budi Arie: MWC 2024 Berpeluang Jadi Showcase Ekosistem Telekomunikasi Nasional

Minister Budi Arie: MWC 2024 Has the Potential to Become a Showcase for the National Telecommunications Ecosystem.

The Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2024 presents approximately 2,400 exhibition participants and...

29 Feb 2024

Google Play x Unity Game Developer Training Program 2024 Kembali Dibuka

Google Play x Unity Game Developer Training Program 2024 Reopens

The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy perceives that the program is a training and cer...

28 Feb 2024

Kominfo pantau perkembangan tata kelola AI global untuk jadi acuan

Kominfo monitors the development of global AI governance to serve as a reference

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is becoming increasingly popular in societ...

27 Feb 2024

Kecepatan Internet Indonesia 101 dari 141 Negara

Internet speed in Indonesia ranks 101 out of 141 countries

Indonesia ranks 101 out of 141 countries for the highest mobile internet speed in January 202...

26 Feb 2024

Dari Cape Canaveral Florida, Satelit Merah Putih 2 sukses diluncurkan

From Cape Canaveral, Florida, the Red and White 2 satellite was successfully launched

Dengan kapasitas hingga 32Gbps, Satelit Merah Putih 2 membawa transponder aktif frekuensi C-b...

23 Feb 2024