Kominfo monitors the development of global AI governance to serve as a reference

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is becoming increasingly popular in society, prompting the government to prepare regulations through the adaptation of regulations from developed countries.

The Indonesian government continues to adapt to the utilization of artificial intelligence technology. Deputy Minister of Communication and Informatics Nezar Patria stated that the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology is adapting to the pace of AI usage, referring to regulations or draft regulations enforced in developed countries.

"We always monitor the development of AI regulations globally, for example in the United States, President Joe Biden issued an Executive Order on AI regulation," he explained during a Keynote Speech at the AI and World Communication Transformation Seminar, at the Central Office of the Indonesian Public Broadcasting Institution Television, Jakarta, Saturday (2/24/2024), as quoted from the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology press release.

According to Deputy Minister Nezar Patria, there are at least four countries in the world that serve as benchmarks for the development of AI Governance in Indonesia. The United States is known for implementing the Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of AI in 2023.

Meanwhile, the European Union through the European Union AI Act, China has Interim Measures for the Management of Generative AI Services, and Brazil is preparing regulations on AI Bill No.2238 on the Use of AI.

"We already have Minister of Communication and Information Circular Letter No. 9 of 2023 concerning the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, which is a soft-regulation, a legally binding rule but sufficient to serve as an initial reference for the AI development ecosystem in Indonesia to adhere to the ethical values ​​there," he explained.

The Deputy Minister of Communication and Information Technology explained that developed and developing countries have two perspectives on the implementation of AI development, namely Principle Based or Rule Based.

"The Principle Based approach is adopted by the European Union; they are not concerned about the process but compliance with the principles and ethical values ​​that have been established. While the United States and China tend towards the Rule Based approach, regulating the processes, they are not so concerned about whether the results or outputs of AI development are heading in a certain direction," he said.

Deputy Minister Nezar Patria believes that soft-regulation through the AI Ethics Circular Letter, supported by references from developed countries, reduces the risk of AI misuse.

"Such as the use of Generative AI by the public, which has the potential to produce other negative impacts such as discrimination, hallucinations, and potentially spreading misinformation and disinformation," he said.

Quoting a World Economic Forum report released in January 2024, Deputy Minister Nezar Patria stated that AI-Generated Misinformation and Misinformation are among the top five issues feared by around 1,400 CEOs worldwide.

Therefore, Deputy Minister Nezar Patria emphasizes the importance of AI Governance to avoid misinformation and disinformation. "So, AI governance is very important to be considered," he concluded.



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