
Menperin: Transformasi Digital Katrol Produktivitas dan Daya Saing Industri

Minister of Industry: Digital Transformation Boosts Productivity and Industrial Competitiveness.

The Industrial 4.0 transformation brings about many changes in various economic activities, e...

22 Feb 2024

Presiden Jokowi sahkan Perpres Tanggung Jawab Platfom Digital

President Jokowi approves the Presidential Regulation on Digital Platform Responsibility

The Presidential Regulation aimed at regulating the responsibilities of digital platform comp...

21 Feb 2024

Startup ITS raih penghargaan ASEAN Digital Awards 2024

Startup ITS won the ASEAN Digital Awards 2024

The ITS startup has achieved the ASEAN Digital Awards 2024, and this award is given to busine...

20 Feb 2024

Guna dongkrak daya saing, Kemenkop UKM minta UMKM lakukan digitalisasi

In order to boost competitiveness, the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small Medium Enterprises (Kemenkop UKM) is urging SMEs to undergo digitalization

The utilization of digital technology to enhance product competitiveness and expand marketing...

19 Feb 2024

Telkom Siap Luncurkan Satelit HTS pada Pertengahan Bulan Ini

Telkom Ready to Launch HTS Satellite in the Middle of This Month

With a capacity of up to 32Gbps, the Merah Putih 2 Satellite carries an active transponder co...

16 Feb 2024

Tinggal Ekseskusi, Persiapan Digital ID Ditargetkan Tuntas Februari 2024

Execution is imminent, Digital ID Preparation Targeted to be Completed by February 2024

Involving the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Ministry of Home Affairs,...

15 Feb 2024

Izin Prakarsa Penyusunan RPP Manajemen ASN Disetujui Presiden Jokowi

President Jokowi Has Approved The Initiative To Draft The Civil Service Management RPP

After being developed by the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, the Draft Go...

13 Feb 2024

Guna Percepatan Transformasi Digital, Indonesia Jajaki Kolaborasi Ke Estonia

In Accelerating Digital Transformation, Indonesia Explores Collaboration with Estonia

Estonia has long been developing digital technology to meet every human need, especially thos...

12 Feb 2024

Ditargetkan Tuntas Agustus 2024, Pembangunan PDN Mendekati 32%

It is targeted to be completed by August 2024, PDN development has reached 32%

Acceleration of the National Data Center (PDN) construction, which has a processor capacity o...

07 Feb 2024

Dukung Sektor Strategis, Indonesia Perkuat Ekosistem Teknologi AI

Supporting Strategic Sectors, Indonesia Strengthens the AI Technology Ecosystem

The utilization of AI has become a necessity, especially in strategic sectors. Therefore, the...

06 Feb 2024