In Accelerating Digital Transformation, Indonesia Explores Collaboration with Estonia

Estonia has long been developing digital technology to meet every human need, especially those related to what they call a digital society and is considered worthy of being a benchmark by Indonesia.

Deputy Minister of Communication and Informatics Nezar Patria stated that they are exploring collaboration with Estonia to accelerate national digital transformation.

As quoted from the Ministry of Communication and Informatics press release, the Deputy Minister expressed that the country could serve as a benchmark in efforts to accelerate digital transformation in the homeland.

"Estonia has responded very positively by opening up opportunities for collaboration with Indonesia regarding the development of several programs that can help accelerate digital transformation," he said after a Bilateral Meeting with the Ambassador for Digital Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, Nele Leosk, at the Brdo Congress Centre, Kranj, Slovenia, on Tuesday (06/02/2024).

Deputy Minister Nezar Patria also appreciates Estonia's government for accelerating digital transformation.

"Estonia is quite advanced in the application of digital technology and is one of the most successful countries in digital transformation. They have one of the best e-government systems in the world," he explained.

According to the Deputy Minister of Communication and Informatics, Estonia's success in digital transformation encourages Indonesia to explore opportunities for cooperation. Moreover, Estonian Ambassador Nele Leosk welcomed these opportunities.

"We are trying to exchange ideas, especially because Indonesia is currently undergoing a similar transformation process to establish e-government. We know that the Presidential Decree on Digital Transformation (Keputusan Presiden tentang Transformasi Digital) has been issued and it is also related to Electronic Government Systems (e-government)," he explained.

This country located in Northern Europe has been developing technology for the past two decades to meet every human need, especially those related to state life. They call it a digital society.

As quoted from the page, the country has been implementing e-governance since 1997. Then, followed by other technology-based programs launched from year to year. Such as e-Tax, X-Road, I-Voting, Digital ID, e-Health, etc.

One of Estonia's most famous innovations is e-residency, introduced in 2014. This program is aimed at opening opportunities for people from anywhere in the world to have residency in Estonia. Since the first year of the program's launch, e-residency has been able to attract 35 thousand people.



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