
In the digital and technological era, the Indonesian government has a disruptive challenge. At present the central and regional government organizations are carrying out management and management of government agencies to build a good information technology culture, so that technological solutions are maximized. Being a technological solution, now the government continues to improve public service systems. One of them is by building an Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE). This system aims to create efficient, effective, transparent and accountable work processes and improve the quality of public services.

In Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 95 of 2018, contains a strategic plan related to adequate information and communication technology infrastructure. The infrastructure is a data center, a government-based service system or sharing system, and an intra-government network. Meanwhile, in the acceleration of SPBE there are programs that must be completed within a period of three years in the field of infrastructure and one of them is the intra-government network.

The presence of Presidential Regulation Number 95 Year 2018 is welcomed and is expected to improve public services and community participation in the implementation of development. Nevertheless, in the application of SPBE there are still a number of challenges including processes that have not been integrated, marked by the low level of sharing of data and information between agencies, information and communication technology infrastructure (ICT) that has not yet reached all agencies, and information security management that is still weak in almost all agencies government from the center to the regions.

In its implementation, commitment to provide good public services requires coordination between parties, especially related to the SPBE intranet network. Therefore, on Friday (01/03) yesterday, the National Communication Information Technology Board (Wantiknas) held a routine ICT-Talk discussion with the theme "SPBE Intra Network as the First Step Towards the National Intranet Network" in Jakarta.

A number of government agency data center representatives were present at the event, including the Cabinet Secretariat, Pustekkom, Ministry of Religion, BPPPT, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Communication and Information, and Ministry of Finance. Aside from the government, there were also academics, including STMIK Nusa Mandiri, STMIK Indonesia, Bakrie University, and Bina Sarana Informatika University.

The speakers in this second ICT-Talk discussion were from their respective experts, Wantiknas Implementing Team Member Ashwin Sasongko, Head of the BPPT Information and Communication Technology Center Michael Andreas Purwodadi, Chairperson of APJII Organization and Membership Division Handoyo Taher, and Chair of ATSI Merza Fachys. In his remarks, Ashwin Sasongko, explained the construction of IPTEKNET in 1995 which was pioneered by BJ. Habibie to prepare an intra-government network. "In 1995, Mr. Habibie had proposed an idea to develop Indonesian internet, even though at that time the internet was not a common thing," he said.

Not only the history of IPTEKNET, Ashwin also tells the history of the global internet to Russia who now want to withdraw from the global internet. "The history of the internet was originally developed by ARPA-NET in the 1970s, then in 1998 ICANN was formed namely IANA which IANA functions continue to be operated by ICANN. Because currently the global internet is operated by ICANN, Russia wants its internet network to be separate from the World Wide Web, "he said.

The Russian government will consider withdrawing from the global internet. This step is part of testing the country's cyber defense. In this global internet withdrawal, the data of all citizens and the Russian government will only remain in

the country will not be linked to international networks. The test, which is planned to be conducted before April 1, 2019, later Russian ISPs will direct intra network traffic to a point controlled by the Russian government only and Russia will rely on the Domain Name System (DNS) to replace relations with the global internet. In addition to maintaining Russian cyber security, this plan is to avoid attacks that threaten national security such as controlling citizens from outside threats. If successful, Russia will control the internet network independently and decide with a global internet network.

If you see a Russian country that wants to withdraw from the global internet, it is necessary to consider the national intranet network especially about SPBE which is government data. This is in line with the Head of BPPT's Information and Communication Technology Center Michael Andreas Purwodadi, he stated that Indonesia needs to think about intra-national networks going forward. "Indonesia really needs to think about if there is a dispute with America, so that cases like the Crimea state do not occur," said the man who is familiarly called Pur. Furthermore, Pur linked the intra network with SPBE, that in the future there will be a National SPBE data center in various government agencies. Himself mention


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